*Glitter Words in Photoshop*

glitter wordsRecently I created a flyer for a friend for her 25th birthday. I wanted to make it really pop, so I “googled” how to make glitter words in photoshop. This quick and easy tutorial helped me create bright and shimmery words in minutes.

Here are the steps I took to get glitter words look.

Step 1: Create a new document that is 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels and fill it with grey #b3b3b3

Step 2: Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise (400% Monochromatic)

Step 3: Go to Filter > Pixelate > Crystalize, set the cell size at 3%

Step 4: Duplicate the layer and go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90 CW. Then, change the layer blending options to “Multiply” (You can repeat this step for a “denser” looking glitter. Play around with it and see what you like!

 Step 5: Merge the two layers you have created and save the pattern by going to Edit > Define Pattern and name your file. This is the basic glitter “base” that you will add color to. 

Step 6: (The fun part begins!) Open a new document and create any shape. Fill this shape with your glitter base by going to Layer Style and selecting Pattern Overlay.

Step 7: Select “Color Overlay” (also under Layer Styles) and choose a color for your glitter! The orange gold color in the header above is #fead00 . Set your blend mode to “Color”. The blend mode “Multiply” will also work depending on the look you are going for. If needed, click on pattern overlay and adjust the opacity. This will also provide a different effect.  I had way too much fun playing with all the possible glitter colors!

All steps were taken from “Lily & Val”


-Lee ❤


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