*Glitter Words in Photoshop*

glitter wordsRecently I created a flyer for a friend for her 25th birthday. I wanted to make it really pop, so I “googled” how to make glitter words in photoshop. This quick and easy tutorial helped me create bright and shimmery words in minutes.

Here are the steps I took to get glitter words look.

Step 1: Create a new document that is 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels and fill it with grey #b3b3b3

Step 2: Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise (400% Monochromatic)

Step 3: Go to Filter > Pixelate > Crystalize, set the cell size at 3%

Step 4: Duplicate the layer and go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90 CW. Then, change the layer blending options to “Multiply” (You can repeat this step for a “denser” looking glitter. Play around with it and see what you like!

 Step 5: Merge the two layers you have created and save the pattern by going to Edit > Define Pattern and name your file. This is the basic glitter “base” that you will add color to. 

Step 6: (The fun part begins!) Open a new document and create any shape. Fill this shape with your glitter base by going to Layer Style and selecting Pattern Overlay.

Step 7: Select “Color Overlay” (also under Layer Styles) and choose a color for your glitter! The orange gold color in the header above is #fead00 . Set your blend mode to “Color”. The blend mode “Multiply” will also work depending on the look you are going for. If needed, click on pattern overlay and adjust the opacity. This will also provide a different effect.  I had way too much fun playing with all the possible glitter colors!

All steps were taken from “Lily & Val”


-Lee ❤




Halloween was just here, and nothing excites me more than halloween makeup. Makeup to me is like painting your face, it’s a blank canvas that allows you to create anything you want. I was Maleficent this year and Angelina Jolie was my inspiration. She had a very deep contour that made her have excellent cheek bones, very defined and crisp. I started off with a very light tan concealer that was placed under my eyes, chin, forehead and down the bridge of my nose. I even bought “Jade Green” contacts, for that extra “BOO” affect lol. The Horns were purchased at “Halloween City” and I wore my own all black outfit. Check out this link to see other “Maleficent” Costumes and how to make them right at home!


*Noah Majinnasola*


This is Noah Majinnasola, an idealist and realist! A model, an artist, a designer and father! He does it all and more! He started making clothes in middle school and now today he is known for his eccentric style and business. A 22 year old Baltimorean whose culture runs deeps all the way from Nigeria. Noah is an entrepreneur who focuses on his brand of clothing “Daft” and his personal styling and design brand “Styled by Noah“.

Styled by Noah, is my way of giving back my passion and spreading it to anyone who embraces it. I’ve always been into business, art, music and fashion, so I finally took the step to go after my dreams. Ever since 2010 I’ve been producing and creating and now things are looking up. Also being a father now motivates me even more to want to always take my craft to new heights. This is something I really love and with the connects I have, along with my skill and talent, I can go really far” -Noah 

If you would like any alterations to anything; clothes, shoes, jackets, etc., or if you would like to be “Styled by Noah” contact his Instagram @realmajinnasola_ 

-Lee ❤

* Wirażka *

leaves 2 leaves 4 Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 11.19.54 AMScreen Shot 2015-10-16 at 11.20.11 AM

Joanna Wirażka, 16, is an amazing artist! She used leaves as canvases for her fabulous landscape paintings. She collects fallen leaves from a park, dries them within the pages of a book, and then “paints them black… before adding in her signature explosion of color.” Wirażka is using the leaves to make a powerful statement about both art and our environment. So in painting on the natural leaves, and using them as a replacement for paper, Wirażka wants “to say that we don’t have to cut trees to have paper for drawing or painting”. The pictures above were taken by me yesterday, as I collected some leaves to start this arts in crafts project. Follow Wirażka on instagram (@awirazka16) and read about her on aplus.com.

-Lee ❤

* A little LEEbra Love *

Everything Libra

In true Leebra fashion, since libra season is still here, let me honor my fellow libra brothers and sisters. Libras are known to have a very child like personality. Libras are intelligent and charming people. Whether Libra needs to smooth over ruffled feathers or make someone new feel welcomed, this sign excels in any situation where social grace is needed.

* Welcome Sunshines! *

Fashion, Zodiacs and Art is my LIFE! Lisa_Leebra started off as a Twitter name created to honor my nicknames “Lisa” (Family nickname) and “Lee” (Overall Nickname). I am very much interested and dedicated to the zodiacs and reading horoscopes. My birthday is October 1st 1989, which is Libra season, SO PUT IT TOGETHER “LEE + LIBRA = LEEBRA”. (Clever huh?! lol). My name is Lisa and I am a Leebra and proud of it. I will on a weekly basis, blog about zodiacs and art; feature artist around campus and outside the University and also post some of my art work 🙂

As a true Libra, we are TRUE FASHIONISTAS! My spending days are all over, but the urge is still there. So instead of spending money on materialistic things, MAKE THEM! One of the biggest things that are hot now are “Book Clutches”! Books that are made into clutches, small purse. When I was first introduced to them, I thought the prices were “celebrity” ridiculous! So I went online to see how to make them and now I’m on my third book clutch. I will feature some on this blog to sell if anyone is interested 🙂