* Wirażka *

leaves 2 leaves 4 Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 11.19.54 AMScreen Shot 2015-10-16 at 11.20.11 AM

Joanna Wirażka, 16, is an amazing artist! She used leaves as canvases for her fabulous landscape paintings. She collects fallen leaves from a park, dries them within the pages of a book, and then “paints them black… before adding in her signature explosion of color.” Wirażka is using the leaves to make a powerful statement about both art and our environment. So in painting on the natural leaves, and using them as a replacement for paper, Wirażka wants “to say that we don’t have to cut trees to have paper for drawing or painting”. The pictures above were taken by me yesterday, as I collected some leaves to start this arts in crafts project. Follow Wirażka on instagram (@awirazka16) and read about her on aplus.com.

-Lee ❤

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