* Goodbye Summer, HELLO FALL *


Fall has just begun and the weather is quickly changing. As an October baby, nothing excites me more than Fall Fashion! The pictures above were taken by me this pass July in Punta Cana. Two palm trees and a picture I took of my sister. Just one more reminder of an amazing summer I had traveling 🙂

-Lee ❤

* Welcome Sunshines! *

Fashion, Zodiacs and Art is my LIFE! Lisa_Leebra started off as a Twitter name created to honor my nicknames “Lisa” (Family nickname) and “Lee” (Overall Nickname). I am very much interested and dedicated to the zodiacs and reading horoscopes. My birthday is October 1st 1989, which is Libra season, SO PUT IT TOGETHER “LEE + LIBRA = LEEBRA”. (Clever huh?! lol). My name is Lisa and I am a Leebra and proud of it. I will on a weekly basis, blog about zodiacs and art; feature artist around campus and outside the University and also post some of my art work 🙂

As a true Libra, we are TRUE FASHIONISTAS! My spending days are all over, but the urge is still there. So instead of spending money on materialistic things, MAKE THEM! One of the biggest things that are hot now are “Book Clutches”! Books that are made into clutches, small purse. When I was first introduced to them, I thought the prices were “celebrity” ridiculous! So I went online to see how to make them and now I’m on my third book clutch. I will feature some on this blog to sell if anyone is interested 🙂